
DIY vs SEO Agency: When To Seek Professional Help For Your SEO Needs

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a modern method of directing traffic to, increasing the visibility of, and developing one’s company in the contemporary interspace. When it comes to the question of what strategy to use on Search Engine Optimization, a professional SEO agency or hiring a Dedicated Internal Team (DIV), then you definitely have to think twice since this decision will determine the effectiveness of the business online. By all means, it is wise to analyze and break down the targeted market approach, unlike the traditional method of implementing the two. Knowing the situations in which it would be appropriate to undertake your SEO on your own and when you should use a professional agency assists you in making a good decision that will suit your business well.

The specific objective of this particular article is to help companies know when they should stop DIY and hire seo agency, or other types of institutional help in Calgary while exploring the benefits and shortcomings of the particular strategies.

Learn SEO: The Importance of SEO

As an introduction to the comparison between DIV and agency, the question highlighting the significance of SEO for your business comes up first. In simplistic definitions, SEO is the art of improving the visibility of a web page so that potential customers are able to find them easily. This means that increased search engine optimization leads to better positioning in search results and translates into more traffic, more leads, and sales.

Even more, SEO is a continuous practice that should not and cannot be limited to that phase or period only.

The work is never complete and includes factors like appropriate keyword selection, on-page interventions, link building, content development, and technical optimization, among others. SEO practitioners are always required to respond and make course corrections on the SEO strategies to fit the changes presented by search engine algorithms. That’s in fact where the concept of expertise comes in handy.

However, for businesses operating in Calgary, a well-strategic implementation of SEO will either determine if they will remain languishing at position three or four in search results or claim the top position on the search engine results pages. It does not matter if SEO is managed internally or an agency is hired, a proper strategy has to be established and implemented by professionals in order to achieve the expected outcome.

Advantages of Having a Separate Internal Team (DIY)

Several organizations are determined to bring SEO in-house and establish a separate internal SEO team or give SEO duties to the workers who are already in place. This would appear to have many benefits:

diy vs seo agency

 Management and Personalization

When managing a DIV, there is no middleman dividing the responsibilities. You have complete power over everything in SEO. As a result, development strategy and business goals completely intersect. You are not constrained by “internal approval processes,” where you wait for a response to raise a challenge in order to effect some adjustments.

Deep Industry Knowledge

Internal teams know your industry and target audience better than anyone. This internal perspective is useful in coming up with appropriate content and strategies for a given market segment.

Immediate Collaboration

SEO touches several other functions in the organization, like marketing, sales, product development, and customer service. With an internal team, communication is simple, and collaboration is quick, making it possible to run streamlined campaigns.

Still, even though having an internal team has a set of advantages, still disadvantages can be found in having solely in-house SEO practices.

Challenges of Managing SEO In-House

SEO, as a discipline, is ever-changing and rather complicated thus continuous learning is a necessity. For office-based managers, lacking a professional search engine optimizer’s assistance, tracking all the algorithm changes, formulation of several best practices, and identifying useful tools can be hard. Here are some of the challenges which come along with self-handling the SEO process:

Skill Gaps

SEO cuts across horizontal disciplines such as technical SEO, content development, link acquisition, and data analytics to mention a few. If your team lacks adequate knowledge in any of the above, you will have a low failure level reaching your SEO efforts. Constructing a team with all these skills can be a costly and lengthy affair.

Limited Resources

There are instances when small and medium enterprises may lack the staff or the organizational setup to be able to create and manage an in-house SEO unit. SEO is draining in terms of time, energy, resources on tools, training, and people. Without such resources, your internal SEO is likely to be inadequate.

 Staying Updated

Constant change is the defining feature of Search Engine Optimization. Each day, the tools for the strategies also change as new ones come up. Learning on the job is then so much needed which can be challenging when the team is already overburdened with other tasks.

• For firms that operate on tighter budgets or for those that lack the skills to do basic search engine optimization on their own, hiring a Calgary SEO company is the better option.

Hiring Reasons For an SEO Agency

Once you internally hit a limit within your SEO team, that may be a good point to think about searching for a professional SEO agency. When searching for a Calgary SEO company, they provide the expertise and the requisite level of skill which facilitates the advancement of your SEO practice. Here are some of the benefits of hiring an SEO agency:

 Competence and Industry Knowledge:

The reason behind this is that SEO agencies serve a lot of business from various industries so they have a broad view and in-depth knowledge of how SEO works. It can determine and suggest to you the most effective strategy since they have been through it all and more, and your business struggles there are known to them.

 Advanced Tools Usage:

These tools help locate important, valuable, and effective keywords, analyze competition, and monitor website traffic. These tools are crucial in assisting SEO and in most cases, in-house teams may find such resources difficult to acquire. Such a strategy can make the agency use these tools for complex and detailed reporting and advice.

 Results Oriented:

When one is in Calgary, there is a need to hire an SEO company primarily because it specializes in achieving results. There are set targets to be met and if it is improving rankings, increasing traffic to the sites, or converting customers, the agency will work on it. They are able to establish reasonable expectations and put in processes to ensure that it is realized.

 Cost Efficiency:

It is true that there are costs when outsourcing SEO but it is apparent that sooner or later, there comes a time when this is cheaper than having an in-house SEO team. They have seo package options that are available and can fit your specific requirements and budget. It is possible to increase or decrease the amount of money put into, when appropriate, campaign up to the level of permanent or full-time resources including employees.

When to Seek Help from an SEO Agency?

Understanding the situations that warrant the assistance of an SEO agency is very important, as it helps avert unnecessary expenses, time and resources to the business. The following clearly indicates instances where it is probably best to get in touch with an SEO agency, others based in Calgary are:

Your Site is Not Getting Traffic:

When the battle is improving your website and all that comes up is that it is not being hosted on the first page or in the competitive nature of SEO. An agency can help with diagnosis and assist in good site ranking.

Your Traffic Has Declined:

Engagement problems can also be pinpointed when there is a sharp change in your traffic pattern. Traffic Analysts or SEO analysts will check what the reason for the traffic drop is, whether it is caused by Algorithm changes or difficulty of code.

You’re Expanding to New Markets:

When it comes to the business, the in-house SEO has the background to formulate an SEO strategy geared towards these changes if the business is expanding into new markets. If your organization is taking its marketing activities to new regions, the Calgary SEO company will ensure that the content is geo-optimized.

Your Team is Overwhelmed:

Other than this self-involvement, management of SEO calls for a lot of time and effort. If you know that one of your in-house teams is too busy with the core operations of the company to efficiently run SEO, then there are times when there is no other option than outsourcing it to an agency.


The decision whether to keep SEO in-house and manage it with a Dedicated Internal Team or hire a professional SEO agency must be based on an evaluation of the characteristics and resources of the business in question and its objectives. Managing an in-house SEO team provides flexibility and adaptability, however, hiring an SEO agency comes with highly skilled personnel and top-tier resources that would speed up results.

If your business has been encountering hurdles with order fulfillment or is contemplating improvement of its online engagement, it might be the appropriate time for you to engage the services of a Calgary SEO company. At Knovatek Inc., we understand the need for a playbook and offer customized strategies designed to help you win the competition. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for assistance with your SEO strategy.

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